
a journey of a lifetime

The first day -Rocked!

Kategori: Allmänt

Oh my goodness what a day! Not a bad start for 5 weeks of working. You see, The other cook is also called Nicolas/Nicholas. So its very confusing when the others are yelling Nicho yet it´s quite funny. So I got my own nickname :).
It was so comfortable to work in the kitchen at the hotel because its a very nice kitchen, its kind of hard to say exactly why its so nice but im just happy right now!

But that's not the end of it, oh no! We had a staff day, that means we the staff have some kind of activity. It was a surprise activity but we got our packing instructions. Guess what? We went to a cave! 8 meters below the surface, our only lightsource are the lamps on our forehead. It was amazing that we could see the awesome rock formation that began around 2000 years ago, I should bring my friends there someday.
And after that, we went to a swimming pool like the one in Norrköping. it was nice to relax in a hot tub after bending my back in that cave.
And then we went to a fancy restaurant and had a nice dinner.
Now im here in front of my computer and will fall asleep any time soon.

Here are some pictures of today:

P.s: Some people thinks it´s anoying to read this in english, please tell me if I should change to swedish or not.


  • Anton Persson säger:

    härligt, jag klagar inte själv asså. PM rocks hard:) får fan göra en stor redovisning å det här i aulan när vi kommer hem:) Är du med på det? Ha dert gött

    2012-03-27 | 21:06:13
  • FromTheRooftop säger:

    You are outside Sweden. It's good to use English for those following you in Iceland and other countries. Love the food photos.

    2012-03-28 | 16:08:23

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