
a journey of a lifetime

Good week!

Kategori: Allmänt

What a weekend. We had a lot of guests on Sunday so I and Nico made a huge buffet and we worked really hard. It went well of course, It is always nice with some challenge.  The day before I spoke with some swedish friends over Skype and the “Hunger games” came up as a topic, I was told that it was good so I and some of the staff went to Reykjavik and saw the movie.

My opinion: good, not the best movie but still worth the money. And the seats were very comfortable, but the thing that blew my mind was after one hour in the movie…they switched to commercial for 20 long minutes, apparently they always have 20 minute break on Icelandic cinemas.

While on our way home from the cinema I remembered that I will work alone in the kitchen the next day (Monday). It was little weird to work alone but the weather, oh the weather, It had been snowing all night so the mountains were covered by snow and it was beautiful. And I heard some good old classic music, for example, Celine Dion´s “Near and far” and “Ghostbusters theme”. On the radio!

Great view at the mountain, sunshine and good food. It felt like there was a absolute peace around me. Oh, right, and I heard the song “Fix you” when I was fixing a broken pie, felt like a good timing with the song.


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