
a journey of a lifetime

A picture says more than a thousand words

Kategori: Allmänt


  • OnTheRoof säger:

    Fantastic dishes. Great experience. Make sure you get to know the 5 owners of the hotel. They have a business network with restaurant owners in Sweden and other countries. It's nice to know the managers but far better to know the owners. Let them see you and adopt you/recommend you to others. Build your network as well as your reputation. Good luck....and great work. Really proud of you.

    2012-03-29 | 01:32:03
  • Alfred säger:

    Looks really good! Keep up the good work and we'll see each other soon!

    2012-03-29 | 14:49:46
  • Peter säger:

    Tell us what the dishes are. I guess the dessert is a chocolatefondant but what are the others?

    2012-04-03 | 19:45:31

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